Having good talent management policies and practices designed to identify, recruit, hire and retain highly qualified employees who are passionate about your mission is essential to any business that wants to be successful and maximize business performance.
We provide clubs, large and small, with a wide variety of human resource guidance and services and can work on a project basis or on a continuous basis as your outsourced HR team. What sets us apart is our extensive fitness industry knowledge combined with our broad human resource and organizational development experience and knowledge.
See our service offerings below to learn how we can make a difference in your club.
Talent Acquisition: Attracting and Hiring the Right People
Hiring the right people is the first step in creating a high performing workforce that is focused on delivering exceptional service and positive financial returns. Recruiting top talent is not simply about writing a job posting, throwing it up on a job site and hoping for the best.
In today’s highly competitive marketplace, attracting and hiring top talent takes a multi-level strategic approach that includes effective talent acquisition marketing, interview, engagement, and due diligence practices and processes. If talent acquisition is done right, not only will you have a high performing team, but you’ll also save money by alleviating costly and disruptive staff turnover.
Whether you are looking for someone to fill a senior level General Manager or entry-level Membership Sales Advisor, our approach to recruiting is thoughtful, rigorous and creative. All of our work is adapted to fit the current needs of our clients and our goal is to help our clients make smart talent decisions every time.
We conduct full, retained searches, or simply provide candidates for you to interview. We also supplement an organization’s internal recruitment process by advising on the search process, qualifying candidates, crafting job descriptions and postings, conducting reference checks or providing other support as needed.
Talent Acquisition Services
Executive and General Recruiting for Specific Openings
Our approach to recruiting is based on our strong fitness industry networks, knowledge of the industry, gaining an understanding of our clients’ culture and business goals and developing a recruitment strategy that casts a wide net. Our objective is to provide our clients with a real choice of strong candidates who are well suited to the job and the club’s culture and can make a strong contribution to the overall performance of the business.
Talent Acquisition Strategy Development and Implementation
Talent Acquisition is a multi-prong process that builds a talent pipeline and is aligned with your work culture and long-term goals. We can provide guidance and expertise in all of the areas below or on the ones you need the most help with. Components of a comprehensive talent acquisition strategy include the following:
- Working with clients to create a unique employment brand that can be clearly communicated to prospective employees;
- Developing job postings and job descriptions that are alluring and attract candidates;
- Utilizing a candidate relationship management tool (CRM) that tracks applicants, the hiring process and key metrics;
- Developing clear communication templates and practices that get and keep candidates excited;
- Implementing a focused interview process that offers hiring managers insight into candidates’ personalities and abilities and candidates the opportunity to discern whether the company and job are a go fit and match up with their goals;
- Creating due diligence practices such as reference and background checking;
- Developing standard offer letters and new hire packages.
Learn how we can help your business
Engaging and Retaining Top Performers
Many companies confuse employee satisfaction with employee engagement. Job satisfaction focuses on how employees feel and how happy they are about their job and conditions surrounding their job. Employee engagement refers to employees’ commitment and connection to their work as it relates to the amount of effort they are willing to expend on behalf of their employer.
Highly engaged employees go above and beyond and think creatively about how to move their organization forward. In most instances, engaged employees are happy employees. However, it is possible to be a happy employee, but not engaged. If you want a workforce that truly impacts business performance, it’s important to focus on employee engagement. High levels of employee engagement result in lower turnover, less absenteeism, improved customer service, more innovation, productivity, and higher profitability.
Engaged employees aren’t simply satisfied. They are committed to the organization, invested in its success, are proactive in sharing their ideas and in promoting the organization and go above and beyond. Key factors that influence employee engagement include:
- Organizational culture
- Rewards and Recognition
- Leadership behavior and practices
- Training and development
- Communication
- Employee connection and contribution to business goals and mission
Employee Engagement Services
Our extensive industry and organizational development experience enables us to bring a fresh perspective to delicate and complicated issues. We help our clients assess their company’s level of employee engagement and help them develop and implement strategies to improve it.
Organizational Assessments
Our assessment process is driven by the needs of our clients and helps clients understand their employee engagement strengths, vulnerabilities, challenges and opportunities. Our assessments are fully customizable to meet the unique needs of your business and can include interviewing staff one-on-one and in focus groups. We focus on overall themes and develop actionable recommendations for improving employee engagement and organizational culture.
Employee Engagement Surveys
We use engagement surveys to identify, understand and improve employee engagement issues. Surveys provide baseline data and allow organizations to compare and contrast sub-groups of employees, job sites and function areas over time. We take our client’s needs and goals in mind when designing and administering the survey and provide them with detailed results, recommended opportunity areas for improvement and next steps. Our surveys can be part of an organizational assessment or administered on their own.
Organizational Culture Creation and Implementation
We work with clients to assess their culture and help them develop and implement core values and mission and vision statements that drive behavior and decision-making. Our process is highly collaborative and focuses on creating positive cultures that help employees feel committed to and excited about their job and contributing to making the business the best it can be.
Rewards and Recognition
We help clients develop and implement formal and informal reward and recognition programs and behaviors that provide open acknowledgement and expressed appreciation for an employee’s contribution. Recognizing employees for their efforts, contributions and performance emphasizes that an employee’s work is valued and results in having employees who are motivated, productive and invested in their work and the company’s goals and mission.
Leadership Coaching
As outsiders, we can be objective about issues faced by managers and leaders and provide guidance and expertise around real challenges that are impacting performance and organizational culture. We work with leaders and managers on specific issues or on overall business strategies and support them in identifying strategies that enable the business to overcome challenges.
Training and Development Initiatives and Programs
We develop onboarding and on-going training programs for staff at all levels and in all departments. We believe that in order for training to stick, it must be participatory and entertaining.
Strong onboarding systems for new employees are critical to their success and enable them to be contributing members of the team quickly. Our onboarding tools and training include new employee training checklists; immersion in club programs and skills based instruction and coaching.
Sales Training
Our sales training is a must for anyone in a membership role. In addition, personal trainers, massage therapists and other managers and staff in revenue generating roles also benefit from our highly engaging sales training. We conduct our sales training in person or via Skype.
Team Building and Leadership Training
Our very special team building and leadership training is highly participatory. We utilize famous movies to illustrate important themes, which is not only stimulating and entertaining, but also engaging and fun.
Accountability Systems
We believe that strong accountability systems are critical for keeping staff focused on business goals and for helping employees feel like they have contributed to moving the business forward and performing at its highest level. Goal setting, reporting and communication are key components to all accountability systems that we help clients implement and utilize on an on-going basis.
Internal Communication Strategy
A key component of employee engagement is ensuring that employees are well informed and feel like they are in “the know”. We develop internal communication strategies that keep employees focused on goals, help them feel appreciated and informed of programs, promotions and issues that impact their ability to do their jobs and provide excellent customer service.