As a new club, you will be besieged by health club marketing consultants all offering ‘tried and true’ marketing ideas. Some will make sense, some won’t. From our experience what none of them do is offer you a real-world marketing plan that is built on your business plan, financial projections and financing model. We have the ability to translate all of your hard work into tangible business results.
We will take you through a process that will take full advantage of:
- Website design and digital marketing opportunities
- Search Engine Optimized (SEO) content and engagement marketing
- Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) plan including blogs, email marketing and social media integration
- Grassroots outreach and partnership development
- Sales systems and training
- Cost-effective customer trials
- Solid customer retention programs
Learn how we can help your business
The internet is the dominant force in fitness club marketing. However, most clubs are missing the full opportunity to bring in new members and engage current members via the internet. Atwood Consulting is able to transform the way club businesses utilize their websites, and can help you implement internet strategies that will grow you business and improve profits. In most markets clubs can win the internet war with minimal effort and investment.
The Atwood Web Development Team specializes in building new sites for start-ups and existing businesses, while also working on current sites to improve performance.
Atwood Consulting will:
Increase the number of prospects that “visit” your website including people searching for:
- Membership information
- Programs and activities
- Spa services, personal training, yoga, spinning, children’s activities, etc.
- Other services
Get more people to “take action” to:
- Become members
- Take part in other profit centers
Get current members more involved in the club by:
- Signing up for programs/classes
- Referring friends
- Using the club often
- Renewing memberships
The internet is the best thing to happen to independent clubs to compete with the big chains. Traditional marketing is in large part about who has the biggest budget, while internet marketing is more about effort and who is being smarter about the use of the media.
Atwood Consulting will add horsepower to your current website or do a full redesign. We also provide value by guiding our clients to effectively continue to promote their business through their website and other internet strategies.
Specific functions we offer:
- Identify the most important key words that people use to search for your kind of business
- Website design and redesign
- SEO (search engine optimization) to get your site found on a Google search
- Blogs, social media, and other strategies
- Detailed data and performance reports for your internet marketing